Design Patterns mostly used

Neeru K Singh
4 min readNov 16, 2022


1. ) Creational

1.1) Singleton : One instance per jvm

Real life example(java) — java.lang.Runtime#getRuntime()

User A: Hey write a basic singleton class

public class SingletonExample{

private static SingletonExample singleton; // if initialize here then early loading

private SingletonExample(){

public static Singleton1 getInstance() {
if(singleton==null){ //lazy loading
singleton = new SingletonExample();
return singleton;

User A: Its not thread safe ?

User B : ok let me make method as synchronize

public class SingletonExample {

private static SingletonExample singleton; // if initialize here then early loading

private SingletonExample(){

public synchronized static SingletonExample getInstance() {
if(singleton==null){ //lazy loading
singleton = new SingletonExample();
return singleton;

User A : yeah !! Now its thread safe but there are performance issues with this approach bcoz only one thread can enter in this method to get Instance.

User B: ok let me add synchronised block(rather than method) and volatile to the instance.( double checked locking)

public class SingletonExample {

private volatile static SingletonExample singleton; // if initialize here then early loading

private SingletonExample(){

public SingletonExample getInstance() {
if(singleton==null){ //lazy loading
singleton = new SingletonExample();

return singleton;

1.2) Factory method : Creates a family of object types.

Real life example (java) — java.util.Calendar#getInstance()

public interface Notification {
void notifyUser();
public class SMSNotification implements Notification {

public void notifyUser()
System.out.println("Sending an SMS notification");
public class EmailNotification implements Notification {

public void notifyUser()
System.out.println("Sending an e-mail notification");
//Factory method 

public class NotificationFactory {
public Notification createNotification(String channel)
if (channel == null || channel.isEmpty())
return null;
switch (channel) {
case "SMS":
return new SMSNotification();
case "EMAIL":
return new EmailNotification();
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown channel "+channel);

/*Below we are passing notification type- SMS so , based on that
SMSNotification object will be created in Factory method
and thier notifyUser method will be called.

public class NotificationService {
public static void main(String[] args)
NotificationFactory notificationFactory = new NotificationFactory();
Notification notification = notificationFactory.createNotification("SMS"); //here b

1.3 ) Builder Pattern :

It is a creational design pattern that lets you construct complex objects step by step. It allows you to produce different types and representations of a product using the same construction code. However, this pattern should be used only if you need to build different immutable objects using the same building process.

Real life example(java) — java.lang.StringBuilder & lombok annotation @Builder to create object instance.

Below example can have different variations to write builder for any particular class.

public class Book {
private final String isbn;
private final String title;
private final String author;
private final Year published;
private final String description;

private Book(Builder builder) {
this.isbn = builder.isbn;
this.title = builder.title; =;
this.published = builder.published;
this.description = builder.description;

//Gettters & Setters

public static class Builder {
private final String isbn;
private final String title;
private String author;
private Year published;
private String description;

public Builder(String isbn, String title) {
this.isbn = isbn;
this.title = title;

public Builder author(String author) { = author;
return this;

public Builder published(Year published) {
this.published = published;
return this;

public Builder description(String description) {
this.description = description;
return this;

public Book build() {
return new Book(this);


/* Now create object by Builder pattern 
- Here isbn & Title as mandatory so passing in constuctor of Builder
and others are optional fields to create object.

Book book = new Book.Builder("0-12-345678-9", "Moby-Dick")
.author("Herman Melville")
"The book is the sailor Ishmael's narrative of the obsessive quest of "
+ "Ahab, captain of the whaling ship Pequod, for revenge on Moby Dick, "
+ "the giant white sperm whale that on the ship's previous voyage bit "
+ "off Ahab's leg at the knee."

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